Principles of Playing
  Teaching in a group

  I.  Basic Knowledge

     1. Sitting position
     2. Holding the Plectrum
3. Plectrum style
      4. fingers-style plucking
     5. Our notes' sings
     6. Tuning
    7. Qualities of sounds

  II.  Playing

    1. Contents of playing
        a) Playing one string
        b) Playing two strings
        c) Playing accompaniment
    2. Creativity
         a) General
         b) Composing
         c) Composing board
         d) How to improvise
         e) Imp. with drawing
         f) Progressing   
  III. Music pieces
      Go to the Pieces...


The New Music Educational Project My Ancient Harp Basic Knowledge

Plectrum style
Most of the pupils will select to play with plectrum, as it is easier.
Using plectrum one can play quite good - without a special training as the guitar's fingers-style demands.
We can jump from one string to another, produce chords by strumming over the 3 strings and play a tremolo (tr.) if we want to play long pieces.

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Plectrum style
Most of the pupils will select to play with plectrum, as it is easier.
Using plectrum one can play quite good - without a special training as the guitar style demands.
We can jump from one string to another, produce chords by strumming over the 3 strings and play a tremolo if we want to play long pieces.

fingers-style plucking

Our programs

  Have an Ancient Guitar


Program's video page

Play Guitar

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